
New iPad mini Screen Made By Erm…SAMSUNG!?


Apple’s need to meet anticipated demand for their latest gadget has forced them to turn to their nearest rival to create the high retina display for the next iPad mini. Sources say that Sharp and LG were also considered as alternatives to supply the screens but it seems the California tech giant have settled with Samsung for the majority of their supply needs.

The two technology behemoths have been locked in legal battles across the globe for years now, but it seems that in tough times business and money have created a bridge between the two fierce competitors. It was feared that the 7.9-inch display on the new iPad mini would be scrapped due to supply issues, but the day has been saved.

Other reports suggest the second gen iPad mini will feature coloured backs and an improved processor, beyond that no one knows any hard facts, but expect to hear/see more official news within the next two months.

Could this herald a new age between Apple and Samsung? The start of a “special relationship”?
