
[VIDEO] What DOES The Fox Say!? The Latest Ridiculous, Yet Infectious Internet Sensation

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Norwegian TV comedy duo Ylvis have become an internet sensation and have broken into the US Top 100 after dropping their bizarre video for their equally bizarre song ‘The Fox’, in which they muse about the type of sound foxes make.

The video features people dressed as animals and a dancing CGI fox as the pair sing:

Ducks say quack
and fish go blub
and the seal goes ow ow ow

But theres one sound
That no one knows
What does the fox say?

But despite the odd topic and barmy lyrics, the pair have amassed 30million+ views on YouTube and are climbing the charts in the US and Europe after already landing number ones at home in Norway and in over 20 other countries around the world – it’s only a matter of time before they do the same here in the UK (we joke…we hope).

What the fox is happening to music!?