Entertainment, Film

Top Dog Film – Martin Kemp and Leo Gregory Give An Exclusive Interview

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To mark the release of new brutal British crime drama, Top Dog, I caught up with the charming and near legendary British entertainer Martin Kemp, along with the star of his new film, Leo Gregory.

After seeing the film, I wanted to find out how they managed to avoid making just another Lock, Stock or a generic East End gangster flick. At it’s heart, Top Dog speaks about family bonds and the dangers of climbing to the top of the pile to be a leader. Watch as Martin and Leo share some of their thoughts on this brutal and thought-provoking film.
Top Dog will be available to buy on DVD and Blu-ray from May 26th through Universal Pictures, but we have three DVD copies to give away this week. Just follow us on @heDDmagazine or Like our Facebook page and send us a tweet or message answering:

Which band is Martin Kemp famous for being in?

Three winners will be picked at random on Monday 26th of May.