Entertainment, Music

Lady Lykez Releases New Diss Track Aimed At Just About Everyone – Who’s Male

The grime world has just been shaken up. Lady Lykez, a female MC who’s been floating around the scene for a couple of years, has just released a new diss track called “Nobody Can”. Clearly frustrated at how female MCs are being overlooked by the industry, she takes a show at just about every male MC out there, including big names suchs as Wretch 32, Krept &Konan, Skepta, and Ghetts. The best thing is, she just doesn’t care, even saying in the track, “They’re gonna hate me after this. Do I care? No, I worked too hard for this.”

It’s been a while since a good diss track has been released, and we’re liking this one! Check it out.

[youtube id=”OdEEOmwqaQE” width=”620″ height=”360″]