Beauty, Health

Baldness Cure For Men Now Within A Hair’s Length?

Bald guy wipes

Researchers are claiming that a true “cure” for baldness is almost on the way following the cloning of actual human hair in the lab.

The team of scientists from the US and UK managed to create human hair strands by “micro-environmental reprogramming” tissue samples, in order to encourage cells to grow hair from the follicles “naturally”, although they concede that a true cure for hair loss is still a little out of reach.

Speaking to the BBC following this breaking news, Professor Colin Jahoda, from Durham University, said: “It’s [a cure] closer, but it’s still some way away because in terms of what people want cosmetically they’re looking for re-growth that’s the same shape, the same size, as long as before, the same angle. Some of these are almost engineering solutions.” But he also told the beeb that he believes baldness is “absolutely” treatable.

We told you a little while ago about Head and Shoulders‘ foray into hair treatment with their Extra Strengthening hair tonic, that can increase hair thickness, so it looks like the tide is really changing for those of us concerned about losing our mops. Seems technology knows no bounds, now if only they could come up with a way to make beer and pizza that cause fat loss – I would be set for life…

Findings from the study are published here: