
Russell Brand’s Favourite Reporter Drops Real Talk On ALL MH370 Theorists

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Remember Mika Brzezinski, the Morning Joe news reporter, who was toyed with by comedian Russell Brand after succoming to his British accent and rogue-ish ways?

Well this time she’s made YouTube waves for a much better reason, stamping her authority and journalistic integrity on a newscast with talking heads speculating about what happened to tragic Malayasian Airlines Flight MH370.

Tired of listening to so-called experts rambling on about what might have happened to the doomed flight, Brzezinski interrupted, saying: “Can we go to news school for a second please?

Here’s what we’ve got at this point, it’s 17 minutes past the hour. We shouldn’t [still] be talking about theories.”

Brzezinski then takes a swipe at CNN show New Day show that has had rolling theoritcal “news” coverage of flight MH370 since the news broke, saying:

If you want to go to a network that has theories about Pakistan just blared across for hours and hours (and hours), you’ve got many choices out there. Ok? But that’s actually capitalising on a non-story for the sake of ratings because people’s imaginations are piqued by this, and that’s not responsible.

We did the plane, we will do the plane, and it will be done again, and we we will do the facts. Just stop, we’ve got to go to Ukraine.”

All the while her co-host was trying to tell her to keep a lid on it and “calm down”. At least one of them has balls, and it’s not Joe Scarborough.

Go Brzezinski, looks like she and Russell may have been kindred spirits after all. I guess he was only teasing because he saw a bit of himself in her (no pun intended).

[youtube id=”2HqflTYCM2s” width=”620″ height=”360″]