Gaming, Reviews

Review: BioShock Infinite – Miracle or False Shepherd?


One of the standout games for us in 2012 was Dishonoured, an Edwardian fantasy/steampunk enthused slice of true gaming awesomeness. This year, an early contender for game of the year, BioShock Infinite, is cut from the same magical cloth and from the opening sequence you will be gripped by the wondrous, bizarre and enthralling worlds you encounter.


Official_cover_art_for_Bioshock_InfiniteThe game’s main protagonist Booker DeWitt is a former Pinkerton Agent and a soldier, a no nonsense kind of guy that finds himself drawn into a mysterious quest to locate and return with Elizabeth, a young girl kidnapped and held in a tower, in order to clear his gambling debts. It’s clear from the onset that DeWitt has no idea what he’s getting himself into and things rapidly escalate from curious to downright sinister when DeWitt arrives in Columbia, a floating “utopia” stooped in heavily cult-like religious mythology.

Columbia’s founder Zachary Hale “Comstock” is a self-styled prophet, racist and patriot who believes America has fallen from grace thanks to the likes of Lincoln who’s views on equality have moved it away from the founding fathers’ plan. Disgusted by what’s becoming of his beloved nation, Comstock creates this floating island to give America a way to start over – Noah’s Ark style.

However, Comstock has been expecting DeWitt and the city of Columbia is covered in posters warning of a ‘false shepherd’ branded by a mark “AD” that DeWitt has (coincidentally) on his right hand . Once the City’s authorities discover him, DeWitt is forced from bloody conflict to bloodier conflict to find and free Elizabeth (the girl in the tower), but there’s a lot more to this game than running and gunning, crushing enemy skulls with brutal melee blows and waging mage warfare on them.


BioShock presents a clash between dystopic nightmares and utopian ideals in gloriously rich and fascinating environments. In the floating city, bathed in sunshine, distant buildings bob on the horizon, barbershop quartets and gospel music is sung in the streets and down in “the sodom below” Columbia the have-nots scrounge for food and struggle to survive their destitute existence.

As in Dishonoured, BioShock Infinite provides many twists and turns, masterfully woven into a multi-layered and epic journey – everybody has something to hide and as the visage begins to crumble on the new-Eden that is Columbia, each discovery is a true revelation. As Elizabeth and DeWitt take on Comstock and others, their backstories and their interaction provide a deep and engaging tale that you will become heavily invested in.



It may take fans new to this franchise a while to get used to the control system which at first can feel a little stiff and the look speed will need a little tuning to suit your playing preference – it took me a couple of tries to get it just right. Early on in the game, weapons do a surprising amount of damage both to you and to your enemies and while gunplay isn’t quite as sophisticated or rewarding as other recent FPS titles such as Deadspace 3, the attacking goodness comes in the form of Vigors. The original BioShock had plasmids, special serums that gave you magical powers – Vigors are Infinite’s equivalent and they absolutely rock. When drunk, Vigor tonics can be used alone or combined with gunplay for devastating effect.

Bioshock-infinitePowered by “salts” each Vigor gives the gameplay a some welcome diversity, powers include throwing exploding fireballs, attacking enemies with swarms of crows and shocking them with bolts of electricity. Higher-powered enemies are also equipped with Vigors of their own and by defeating them, you will acquire their powers which can be upgraded as you progress through the game. Speaking about the combination possibilities of Vigors, the game’s lead designer Adrian Balanon, said:

You’re supposed to mix and match the Vigors. The goal is to find two Vigors that work together in combination – As our maps are wide and very open, many of the Vigors have some element of crowd control, and combining them really opens them up.”

He went on to describe how using the combination of Shock Jockey and Possession you can get someone to run around electrocuting people for you.

Conscious of spoilers, we can tell you briefly that your companion Elizabeth also provides a unique gameplay dynamic with her ability to tear holes in the world to an “alternate dimension” which allow you to pull cover, health packs and turrets into the “real world” environment to aid you in battle.



BioShock Infinite has two strong themes, or threads if you will; the relationship between DeWitt and Elizabeth which grows as the single-minded mercenary warms to the gifted young girl. The other being the corrupting effects of power and the lengths some will go to in order to “have it all”. Irrational Games have crafted yet another outstanding title that only dips in form with small sections of “filler” gameplay but they’re sparse and for the most part BioShock Infinite delivers ridiculously bold and intense action set against a backdrop of epic fantasy proportions.

Is it worth your money?

If you like the sound of a class-leading FPS action/adventure built on a strong narrative that touches on philosophical themes, combined with ferocious combat and gameplay – BioShock Infinite is definitely one for you, and in many people’s opinion, it is an early contender for ‘Game Of The Year’.


4.8 DDs out of 5