
Vine Fights Back With “biggest, most exciting” iOS Update


Twitter’s six-second video sharing application Vine has struck back in it’s battle of the apps with Facebook’s instagram by launching an update that includes some significant improvements, including vine categories, a new camera and the ability to share other people’s Vines like a ReTweet. vine update

Following instagram’s recent update to include 15-second videos, many people ironically took to twitter to wish Vine RIP, so listening to their users Vine have come up with an even more competitive offering. The most significant improvement is the addition of “ghosts” that allow you to line up your next shot with the previous to help people get more accurate results with their stop-motion videos.

The addition of categories or channels will also allow people to find and follow the kind of content they specifically want, and the new “on-the-rise” feature will showcase Viners who are popular. 13 million users and counting, Vine is proving that it is far from dead and these new changes will only help to boost it’s popularity. Now all they have to do is get this stuff onto Android and they might just REALLY take off.

iOS users can get their Vine update here.