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VIDEO: Brazilian Mob Butchers Referee After Killing Red Carded Player


A grisly story surfaced on the net over the weekend about a bizarre incident that allegedly happened on a football pitch in Brazil. According to reports on Sunday 30 June a young referee Octavio da Silva, 20, stabbed and killed player Josenir dos Santos on the field after giving him a red card.

Sport blog Fox Soccer reported: “After witnessing the attack, fans invaded the field to attack the referee, who was stoned to death and quartered. Local news media are also reporting that the spectators decapitated Silva and stuck his head on a stake in the middle of the field.”

Police are still investigating the sickening incident but officials and authorities will be keen to solve the case and make an example of the perpetrators as soon as possible as this kind of news is unlikely to do Brazil and FIFA’s World Cup 2014 PR campaign much good.

A video showing what was left of the referee on a morgue table has found it’s way onto and can be viewed by clicking here [WARNING: THIS VIDEO IS EXTREMELY GRAPHIC – PLEASE AVOID IF LIKELY TO BE OFFENDED OR SICK – YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED].