
Man Pushed From 45ft Balcony During Derren Brown Show…By Wife!!!


Derren Brown tweeted of his terror after seeing a man diving from the upper tier balcony during his live show ‘Infamous’ at the Palace Theatre in the West End.

Witnesseses reported that the man fell from the highest tier, 45ft up, and was left hanging from a lighting rig after being pushed by his wife for a “joke”. After the show on Saturday, Brown took to twitter to describe the shocking incident:

Tonight a woman pushed her hubby as a joke from the front of the balcony. He fell and caught the upper circle on the way down, and was hanging from it. He’s fine, but what a finale. Sending best thoughts to him & wife, terrifying.”

The man fell 15ft and luckily managed to grab the rig to break his fall, he was then helped down by four other theatregoers who rushed to his aid. The Palace Theatre warns guests to avoid sitting in the highest tier if they’re afraid of heights or suffer from limited mobility, but they probably don’t anticipate punters being shoved from the balcony in jest.

Thankfully the diving husband is said to be well, but his wife must feel terrible!