Health, Latest

It’s Official: Breathing AIR Is Bad For Your Health

b38c9085ada9a89167c29a8a810b18f3According to a report by the World Health Organisation, breathing outdoors should now be considered as bad for your health as smoking. (WTF!?)

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has now classified air pollution as carcinogenic and claim that it is now the leading (environmental) cause of cancer deaths. The organisation also attributed 223,000 deaths from lung cancer worldwide to air pollution.

Researchers did concede that air quality can vary greatly around the world but have said that the issue is now such a big deal that that we should consider these shocking findings relevant globally. The head of the IARC Dr Kurt Straif says that the air we breath is polluted with “a mixture of cancer causing substances”, thanks to vehicle and industrial emissions, farming and utility use.

Cancer Research UK is now calling for the government to bring in measures to combat air pollution and bring them down to more acceptable levels as defined by the EU.

So friends, breathing air is bad for your health, give it up!

[Disclaimer – heDD magazine accepts no responsibility if you decide to stop breathing for health reasons and find yourself cancer free but dead]