
Vikings Marauds And Owns Game Of Thrones – Now’s Your Chance To Find Out Why

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Vikings rock, that’s a given, but never before has a TV show or film been made that captures their way of life and awesomeness in such depth, honesty and detail as the History Channel’s Vikings, written by Brit Michael Hirst, the man who penned The Borgias.

At the British Museum, where a new exhibition about Vikings is currently running until June 22nd 2014, we were invited to a special screening and Q+A of two episodes from Season 1. After only a brief taste we’re hooked. Vikings is rugged, rough and turns away from the fluffy dramatisation of other shows of its kind, such as Spartacus and the like. The cast and acting is superb, particularly from , and Nathan O’Toole, who play a “2.4 children” Viking family, I also really enjoyed the performance of who plays eccentric ship builder Floki.

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Through it’s character-driven storytelling, this series manages to capture a real sense of the religion and culture of the (almost) mythological barbarians. It even manages to allude to the influence and ancestral roll in early Britain.

Rated 8.6 on IMDb, we’re not the only ones who love this show, clearly, so now that season one is available on DVD and Blu-Ray, now’s the perfect time to jump on before everyone else gets on the hype and leaves you in the dark ages, still talking about Breaking Bad (Tip: everybody dies).

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Vikings Season One is out now on Blu-ray and DVD from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment.