
What Kind of Inbetweener Are You!?

In celebration of the launch of the new Inbetweeners 2 film, research out today reveals the current generation of under-21s are more akin to the geeky Inbetweeners character, Will McKenzie, versus the laddish character of Jay Cartwright, unequivocally dispelling the commonly held preconceptions that youths are lazy, complacent and rude. Under-21 year olds are now more focused on their education than generations before – completing A-levels (54%) and going to university (54%) topping their bucket list, with the number one achievement being getting a job (73%).

Furthermore, the study by Cineworld, the UK’s leading cinema chain, has unveiled a generation who are bold of mind and big of heart, with 22% wishing to complete a charitable act of kindness before they turn 21, in
comparison to the 6% of their older peers.

inbetweeners_008_md_event_mainLike Jay, Neil, Simon and Will, learning how to drive is a momentous milestone for young adults, with 59% wishing to tick that box before they’re 21. And it’s not just the Inbetweeners lads who are an adventurous bunch, travelling the world has never been more important. Over two thirds (64%) of teenagers look forward to backpacking before coming of age, in comparison to a meagre 9% of generations past. This new found curiosity of culture abroad is further expanding our education, with a quarter of young people (25%) today wishing to learn another language.
The Inbetweeners Movie directed by Ben Palmer

That’s not to say the more entertaining things in life are irrelevant. Just like the Inbetweeners boys, basics such as being served a pint at your local pub (19%) features on the bucket list, alongside going on holiday with your mates (38%) and taking a road trip (36%).

And it would seem we’re breeding a generation of ‘work hard, play hard’ youths. Unlike their more serious, senior peers, the ‘Will McKenzie’s’ of today are inclined to throw an Inbetweeners-style house party while their parents are away (14%), get a tattoo (32%) or take part in the latest high-risk activities such as sky diving (16%).

Surprisingly, young people are more than comfortable in their own company watching films (47%), preferring it to spending time with their mates (37%), and they rate a trip to the cinema (29%) over relaxing with their partners (27%).

If you’re with me in the 29% and you love going to the cinema, the hotly anticipated Inbetweeners 2 film is out in cinemas nationwide now. Book tickets here: