
Movember Diary: Week 2 – I Got A Mo!!!

FamousMoustaches1After a couple of days of hairless face shame thanks to my Movember shavedown, my Mo returned to restore some of my lost manhood, and boy am I happy!

It’s funny, moustaches seem to convey a sense of sophistication that no other facial hair style can match, even when I’ve been wearing a T-shirt, or a sports jacket, I’ve been getting complements on how “classic” or gentlemanly I look. I’m the same guy I was the week before, but this week I’ve been received differently.

It’s obviously not to everyone’s taste of course, but considering how trendy beards have been this past year, getting rid of mine and sporting a Mo has definitely made me stand out a little.

One of the guys I work with is also getting in on the Mo thing and it’s definitely doing something for him to. He’s only 24 but he wears a cardigan and shirt combo like a seasoned pro, now that he’s got the Mo going on his look is complete and he seems to be getting more respect. I think his Mo definitely has something to do with it. He looks classier.

If you haven’t given it a go yet, why not try it, you can always grow back your trendy man beard in a few weeks. Anyone can leave their facial hair to grow long, but sporting a well-groomed Mo on its own let’s people know you look after yourself – daily.