
Cool Things That Turn 30 in 2019

2019 doesn’t immediately seem to have any big milestones or moments ahead, there’s no football world cup or olympics, and no huge releases that standout yet. Well, other than the Samsung S10…But turning 30 is one hell of a milestone and in 2019, some very cool stuff become legitimately adult. Warning, some of these may make you feel old. Here are some cool things that turn 30 in 2019.

Things that turn 30 in 2019

30 in 2019

Fujifilm DS-1P Digital Camera

The world’s first ever fully digital camera was first shown of at the world’s biggest camera technology fair, Photokina way back in 1988. The camera went on sale in 1989 and came with a cutting-edge 2-megabyte SRAM memory card, which could hold 5-10 pictures. The decision to focus on creating a semi-conductor memory card allowed Fujifilm to liberate the camera from its reliance on film medium. That innovation is still alive in Fujifilm cameras today in the company’s award-winning X-series mirrorless cameras.

30 in 2019

American Apparel

The some-time controversial North American clothing company was established in 1989 in Los Angeles, California. Having run into some controversy for its choice in visual marketing and wrestling with some other troubling issues, it hit prophet troubles in the noughties and had to close the majority of its retail outlets. Although it filed for bankruptcy in 2015, the brand continues to sell “ethically made” clothing online.

30 in 2019

The Simpsons

Arguably the most recognised cartoon in the world, The Simpsons turn 30 in 2019, can you believe it? Created by Matt Groening, the animated sitcom is the longest running scripted primetime television series in the world, in terms of both seasons and number of episodes. It’s 30th season began officially in September of last year, continuing into 2019 and the show has already begun planning for its 31st season. That’s unbelievable staying power.

30 in 2019

The Little Mermaid

Not so little any more, Ariel and crew turn 30 in 2019. The original Little Mermaid animation from Disney is based on a Danish fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. Since its huge box office and home video success, it has been re-released with colours and detailed enhanced, as well as being put on as a live show around the world. Back in 2016, Disney announced intentions to produce live-action versionsĀ of all its “Disney Renaissance” films, including a live-action version of The Little Mermaid. So expect to have teases of this film to start washing up on shores towards the end of 2019/2020.

30 in 2019

Other big anniversaries taking place in 2019

  • Legendary Woodstock concert turns 50
  • The confirmation of Einstein’s theory of relativity turns 100
  • Disney’s Lion King turns 25
  • 50th anniversary of the Moon Landing
  • Sesame Street turns 50