Beauty, Fashion

App Review: Get Le Girl Dating App From Lynx


Whether you’re looking for a holiday romance or just a laugh with the guys, Lynx‘s new app Get Le Girl promises to provide a fair shot at both, but how does it deliver?

When we’re travelling abroad it’s all good and well meeting girls from home, letting their hair down on holiday, but the real spice comes when you catch the eye of stunning local beauty, but how do you speak to her if she’s not confident speaking English?

Get Le Girl offers a cheeky workaround with it’s host of built-in phrases that it will give you at random once you’ve selected the lovely lady’s language and your location. But it also turns the translation chat-ups into a game, allowing you to set up a league with you and your mates as the players. You get 2pts if you say the random phrases to a woman, but if you haven’t got the minerals and bottle it, you have to do a forfeit.

The twist is that the app has a “safe mode” which will only give you standard phrases like “Would you please rub sun cream into my back?”, but with safe mode off, the app will churn out slightly cheekier chat-up lines…Will you rub sun cream on my bum?”


Aside from risking getting you a slap, this app is intended to be a bit of fun and we wouldn’t recommend using it as a primary translation tool as it’s bank of phrases is quite limited and besides, it only has chat-up lines and ice breaker. However, if we had to lay some criticism at it, there are two things that really bothered us.

Will you rub sun cream on my bum?”

First issue – the example that you’re supposed to learn the phrases from speaks way too fast for anyone who’s not familiar with the language to copy without several plays which kills the spontaneity of it. And the second issue is that the tutorial voice is female which again makes it harder to copy and use effectively – I mean, worst comes to worst, you could at least play the phrases if you couldn’t pronounce them, but if it’s a female voice that would just be weird.

We also noticed a lot of repetition, and a bias towards the second player – but perhaps we’re looking into it too deep. Get Le Girl was clearly designed as a bit of fun and if you’re in French, German, Spanish, Italian or (LOL) Cockney territory – it could generate some laughs, so it’s worth a go, plus there’s no sign up, registration or data connection required so it works abroad and in basement nightclubs.

Check out the brief explanation from Lynx:

[youtube id=”lBi7MkEY2e8″ width=”620″ height=”360″]

You can get le app for iOS now in the App Store:…

or here: Google Play:…