
Women Are Perves Too – Infamous ‘Crotch Cam’ Footage Captures Undeniable Video Evidence

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We’ve been enjoying this for some time and feel it’s time to share, especially considering the recent spate of bad press men are getting for being perves in public from things such as the ‘Everyday Sexism’ project. Obviously extreme or aggressive behaviour is totally unacceptable but the discussion seems to almost blatantly ignore the fact that men can, and often are also subject to sexual objectification and harassment by women in public.

I’ve personally experienced women staring at my crotch, pinching my bum, and grabbing my thighs and arms for years, from as young as 14. But there’s no room in the current debate for an alternative point of view because women are portrayed as timid, asexual beings that are simply the victims of rampant and relentless male harassment, and quite frankly, they shout the loudest when it comes to such issues, where as males are expected to just get on with it, or worse still – be thankful for the attention.

In the videos above and below you can watch for yourself as the current skewed angle is exposed for the imbalanced and misleading tosh that it is. Women are perves too. Fact.

[youtube id=”AJpxbJ9Xkgw” width=”620″ height=”360″]