
Foxes sets world record to boost charity Trekstock

FOXES_CITROEN_2Singer-songwriter Foxes took on a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title for the ‘most live concerts in 12 hours in multiple cities’ and she smashed it, drove it home (literally in a Citroën C1), in record time, for the youth cancer charity TrekStock.

Louisa Rose Allen, who performs under the stage name Foxes said;

I’ve always thought it would be amazing to be a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title holder, so this opportunity was just too good to miss… It’s really exciting, but of course the main aim is to raise money for Trekstock, which is a fantastic charity.”

To achieve the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title for the ‘most live concerts in 12 hours in multiple cities’ Foxes had to perform a minimum of 6 concerts (she did 7), across cities 31 miles apart with at least 100,000 people, and all within 12 hours. Blimey! This was no easy feat, but it was made possible due to the efforts of Citroën who provided the transport using their upcoming city car range Citroën C1.

Interesting that Foxes could not drive so Citroën thought why not teach her using its C1 Airscape Flair VTi 68 on the record attempt route. Talk about an intensive course as she started in the city of Southampton where Foxes grew up to then travel to Brighton, Guildford Reading, Oxford, High Wycombe, ending with a grand finale gig being held in London at House of Vans in Waterloo.

You would be forgiven to think this PR stunt was simply to promote Foxes and Citroën latest car range – Citroen C1, and you would be right it does. But let’s not forget that at the heart of this is to help raise awareness for Trekstock. Furthermore, all the tickets sales proceeds and Citroën C1 car used will be will be going to the charity. Thus underpinning these activities is a worthy cause would you not agree. So let’s talk about Trekstock.

Established in 2008 by Sophie Epstone, a former Marketing and Design professional, had a family friend diagnosed with cancer. This motivated her to help, but wasn’t really sure how what she did know was that awareness needed to be raised, at the very least, to the group of friends who found it quite difficult to deal with cancer. Thus she created a fundraising gig (this naturally to Sophie because she helped organised festivals like Lake of Stars, Malawi) that was called TrekStock.

Five years later the small charity with its 5 dedicated members of staff have been providing essential info for young people who are going through cancer via its website, The Young Person’s Network (a story sharing platform) and an app, which is still in its R&D stage, but watch this space.

[youtube id=”Y-nGnFeOzCw” width=”620″ height=”360″]

Congratulations to Foxes for accomplishing her GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title and do look out for her new single ‘Body Talk’ out on July 24th. Congratulations to Citroën for making sure its C1 range would pass the city-travelling test and lastly congratulations to TrekStock for once again finding an authentic and original way to communicate with young adults about cancer.