Beauty, Look Good, Feel Good

Lose The Stubble If You Want Kisses Today

Men’s shaving brand Gillette took to the streets in an effort to understand how women feel about facial hair on their man. The results were conclusive with 93% of women preferring their man clean shaven. These results were supported further by a nationwide survey which revealed that 75% of women like the look of stubble but hate the way it feels when a man kisses them.

ProGlide_Retail-Pack-powerGillette Brand Manager Jared Regan, said: “The current facial hair trends of today see men deliberately cultivating the rugged stubble look. We wanted to gain a further understanding of UK women’s preferences towards facial hair and whether it affects their relationships with men or even their inclination to kiss them.”

The survey encouraged women to share their feelings towards men’s facial hair, comparing looks with preferences when it comes to kissing a man.

Men need to understand that facial hair, especially lazy short stubble, is the strength and thickness of copper wire and left unshaven it can cause serious damage in a close embrace.  60% of women said that they have had negative experiences after kissing a man with stubble, including serious stubble rash or skin irritation.  And a shocking 4% of women even said they have had to take time of work because of the effects of kissing a man with stubble!

Stubble can also have a negative effect on intimacy with findings revealing that a clean shaven man is more likely to receive a long passionate kiss, whilst a man with stubble is more likely to only get a quick peck.  Shockingly 1 in 3 women said they would avoid kissing a man altogether because of facial hair and 60% of women said they would even kiss their partner more often if they were clean shaven.

So whilst women may say they find the stubbly look sexy, be warned if you want a passionate Valentine’s Day/Night it might be better to reach for a razor ASAP as part of your date preparation.