Music Tech

OK GO x MortonSalt ad: The greatest music video of all time?

[youtube id=”QvW61K2s0tA” width=”620″ height=”360″]

Is this music video the greatest video of all time? It’s definitely a contender. OK GO are known for creating outlandish, silly and brilliant visual masterpieces to accompany their music videos, but The One Moment video, shot in collaboration with Mortan Salt is a masterpiece. Damian Kulash JR who directed and starred in this video shared the band’s methodology and inspiration for creating this incredible piece, which was shot using seven seconds and took 23.2 seconds in real-time to shoot:

The song “The One Moment” is a celebration of (and a prayer for) those moments in life when we are most alive. Humans are not equipped to understand our own temporariness; It will never stop being deeply beautiful, deeply confusing, and deeply sad that our lives and our world are so fleeting. We have only these few moments. Luckily, among them there are a few that really matter, and it’s our job to find them…

For the video, we tried to represent this idea literally — we shot it in a single moment. We constructed a moment of total chaos and confusion, and then unraveled that moment, discovering the beauty, wonder, and structure within.

To read all about the process and thoughts behind this awesome collaboration between OK GO and Morton Salt, click here: