
Latest Trailer for ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ Released

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Lucasfilm has just dropped the first full-length trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story, starring Donald Glover, Emilia Clarke and Woody Harrelson.

Directed by Ron Howeard, the new trailer is filled with never before seen footage from the film, which follows the most beloved rogue in the galaxy, Han Solo. In the extended clip, we see Han board the Millennium Falcon for the first time and get a taste of how Chewbacca became his trusty co-pilot, we also find out how old Chewie is. Set to hit cinemas on May 25, Solo: A Star Wars Story has already shattered pre-sale box office records set by Black Panther. Black Panther took over $1.3 billion at the global box office, but Solo has so far seen the second-best pre-sale ticket bookings, bested only by Avengers: Infinity War, with both films set to double the success of the Black Panther movie.

We’re excited for Solo: A Star Wars Story, check out the latest full-length trailer above.